BCCSC’s Educational presentations and Links
BCCSC puts on educational talks on different subjects and also sends out educational
information via our Beardie Blast (email newsletter) to our club members. We offered a
class on grooming your Beardie several times and it was a well-attended educational
event. They discussed shampoos and conditioners, etc. We were able to then add it to
our newsletter (in printed form) out to the membership. They loved it! And yet another
time we were taught how to trim our Beardie’s feet to help from bringing the outside in to
our homes, all the mess of leaves and things that can stick to their feet.
Member suggested subjects
We had another event where Sandy Dubin gave a presentation on Emotional Support
versus Service dog versus Therapy dog, trying to help us all understand what is required
and what the differences are. You can view a short video of it here, along with the hand
outs given to the attendees.
Links of Interest
Bearded Collie Club of America - our National club - BCCA.US
Pet Partners - Pet Therapy Program for getting registered - PetPartners.org
Beardie List- Bearded Collie Yahoo Group
Dog Star Daily - A Dog blog
Dog Show Links of Interest
AKC - American Kennel Club
Jack Bradshaw - show superintendents
Infodog - show superintendents
Onofrio - show superintendents
BaRay - show superintendents
Dog Health Organizations
CERF - Database for the health of dog’s eyes
OFA - Database of the health of dogs, hips, elbows, eyes
Beacon - Bearded Collie Health Foundation
Beardie Artists
Susann Brody - susannb.com and https://www.susannb.com/beardieart/
Diane Wynen - madigan-wyndian.com
Photo Credits on our website and special thanks for sharing your pictures!
James Nydahl
Lisa Danchuk
Cheryl Poliak
Lisa Depies
Patti Waddell
Judi Frazier
Kimberly Nicholson
Anneli Dahl
Imke Groenier
Meaghen Bobryk
and members of the BCCSC!
Education & Links
No part of this site may be reproduced without written permission from the BCCSC webmaster.
Above pictures Courtesy James Nydahl
Courtesy Lisa Depies
Courtesy James Nydahl
Courtesy Kimberly Nicholson
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